
Dept. of Measurement and Information Systems, Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Digital Signal Processing Laboratory


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Higher-order Incremental Delta-Sigma Analog-to-Digital Converters





Analog-to-digital conversion, which takes continuous-time, continuous amplitude signals (voltage, temperature, sound, etc.) and converts them into a series of numbers to be used for digital signal processing, is becoming the key element of the scholarly and industrial applications of measurement and data acquisition, and A/D converters are surrounding (though invisible in most cases) also our everyday life.


The requirements of different A/D converters used in various applications are usually contradicted by each other: high resolution and high bandwidth indicates more complex hardware, which should have low power- and area-consumption (especially for portable, battery-operated equipment), and should have great tolerance on environmental effects (noise, temperature, etc.) at the same time. In addition, today's trend in system design is that the analog and mixed-signal interfaces are integrated into the same integrated circuit (IC) as the digital signal processing units (System-on-a-Chip, SoC design). This gives two serious limitations on high-resolution classical A/D converter design: first, in today's widely used low-voltage CMOS digital circuit implementation technology it is not possible to manufacture high-precision analog elements (resistors, capacitors, etc.) on which Nyquist-rate converters rely so much. Second, in such an integrated environment, designers have to deal with the switching-noise interference originating from the high-speed clock signal of the digital circuits. In general, classical Nyquist-rate converters with resolution greater than about 12 bits can be manufactured either with individual (and thus expensive) laser wafer trimming or has to be designed with sophisticated on-line or off-line self-calibration methods.


One possible solution to these problems is using an A/D converter based on Delta-Sigma (ΔΣ) or Sigma-Delta modulation, especially if its analog circuitry is implemented by using switched capacitor (SC) technique.


Using switched capacitor circuit has two advantage. First, in an SC circuit the information is not stored in continuous signals such as current or voltage, but in charge delivered in a given time interval, which is much less sensitive to the pulse-like noise originates from the high-speed switching of the associated digital circuitry. Second, in a SC circuit the cut-off frequencies, gains, etc., are realized by capacitor ratios with mismatch error as good as 0.1% in a CMOS IC, while using classical RC technology the error of the cutoff frequency due to the mismatch of the elements may reach even 20%.


The advantage of using ΔΣ modulation in the converter compared to those operated at the Nyquist-rate is that the required resolution is not achieved by relying on precise analog circuit elements, but using oversampling and noise-shaping. Oversampling means that the sampling rate of the converter is much higher than twice the bandwidth of the input signal, while noise-shaping is a technique, which (high-pass) filters the (usually low-resolution) quantization error of the quantizer in the ΔΣ loop. This oversampled signal is converted back to Nyquist-rate samples by digital low-pass filtering and downsampling (decimation).


Fig. 1 shows the z-domain model of a general ΔΣ A/D converter. Utilizing the additive noise-model of the quantization error, one can get the approximate linear model of the original nonlinear circuit, from which the following input-output relationship can be derived:

where Y(z), X(z), E(z) and H(z) is the z-transform of the output signal, the input signal, the additive noise signal and the transfer function of the converter's loop filter, respectively.



Figure 1. Simplified z-domain model of a ΔΣ converter. Dashed lines show the additive noise model of the quantizer (Q). Y(z), U(z), E(z) and H(z) is the z-transform of the output signal, the input signal, the additive noise signal and the transfer function of the converter's loop filter, respectively.



Based on this equation, it can be easily shown that if the input signal bandwidth (B) is much smaller than the system sampling rate (fs), and the loop filter gain is high in the band of interest (B), while otherwise small (i.e., the filter is an integrating or low-pass type), then in the band of interest H(z)/(1+H(z)) ~= 1 and 1/(1+H(z)) ~= 0, while at high frequencies 1/(1+H(z)) ~= 1. This means that the output contains the input signal without any significant changes, while the quantization noise at low frequencies is negligible, and it shows up at higher frequencies (noise-shaping). Using adequate (low-pass) digital filter and downsampling, the input signal with high signal to quantization noise ratio can be reconstructed from the output signal. Since these conclusions are derived from the linear model of a non-linear system, in the real architecture other problems may arise (stability, quantization error with non-uniform distribution, limit cycles, etc.), which are not addressed here.


During the research in the topic of ΔΣ A/D converters, such analog-to-digital converter structures was sought which give optimal trade-off between circuit complexity and conversion efficiency in a given application area (conversion of signals with high dynamics and low frequency, e.g., pressure sensors, weight scales, temperature measurement), and their tolerance on circuit element mismatches is also great. The starting point of the research was the first-order incremental converter, which was published first in 1988. This converter is introduced briefly in the next subsection.

High Precision Incremental ΔΣ Structures

In instrumentation and measurement, there is a growing demand for A/D converters with low or medium bandwidth, but with high absolute accuracy (e.g., sensors, DC-measurement applications). High linearity and small offset are also among the requirements, as well as small power-consumption and low sensitivity to environmental noise (such as the periodic noise coupled from the mains or digital switching noise). Manufacturing classical Nyquist-rate converters with resolution higher than 16 bits is very expensive and requires individual trimming. Nevertheless, Delta-Sigma A/D converters used in commercial and professional audio or in telecommunication applications cannot deal with the low DC-offset requirement and they usually cannot be applied for the conversion of signals around DC.



Figure 2. First-order incremental ΔΣ converter. Vin, Vref and V is the input signal, the reference signal and the output of the analog integrator, respectively. di is the output of the modulator in cycle i, while Dout is the converted digital signal at the end of the conversion.


One solution to the problem is the incremental (or charge-balancing) ΔΣ converter, which is basically a first-order ΔΣ A/D converter, operated in transient mode (Figure 2.). The converter represents a hybrid between the classical dual-slope converter and the ΔΣ one. Its operation is similar to that of the dual-slope converter, the only difference is that in a dual-slope converter the integrations of the unknown and the reference voltages are followed by each other, while here the two integrations are interwoven in time. Nevertheless, the converter structure is similar to that of a first-order ΔΣ converter, but there are significant differences in its operation: (i) the converter operates in transient mode, up to N cycles; (ii) at the beginning of a new conversion, both the analog and the digital memory elements (integrators) must be reset; (iii) the digital (decimation) filter can be realized with a much easier structure than in the case of a ΔΣ modulator.


Among the advantages of the converter is that its analog and digital hardwares are easy to realize, there is no need of precise analog components, its operation can be easily extended to bipolar operation even with single reference and its area- and power-consumptions are also very moderate. The main disadvantage of the converter is, however, that to achieve a given resolution (nbit), the converter must be operated through 2(nbit+1) cycles, thus, its conversion rate is very slow compared to its clock frequency.


During this research, such Δ&931; structures were sought, which keep most of the advantages of the introduced converter, while operate more efficiently. The research here in the lab was part of an international project, involving a research group from Oregon State University and a design group from Microchip Technology, Inc.


Theoretical Results


In the following the three most important theoretical result are briefly discussed. Detailed results and derivations can be found in the relevant publications.

Modification of the First-order Incremental Converter

One of the results of the research was the modification of the first-order converter introduced in the previous section. The modification involved the addition of another digital integrator to the output of the original structure and the injection of a dither signal right before the internal quantizer. During the research it was shown that this structure is more efficient than the original.


The modified structure is shown in Figure 3. The novelty of the operation is that the converter's settling time is faster due to the second digital integrator. The error around zero, however, is not better than that of the original structure, since the loop does not realize too small signals during its finite operation; nevertheless, injecting dither signal into the loop forces its feedback operation and linearizes the operation of the modulator.

Figure 3. First-order incremental converter with second-order digital filter and dither signal injected into the loop.

Extension of the Operation to Higher-order Loops

The most significant theoretical result is that the operation of the first-order incremental converter has been extended to higher-order Δ&931; loops. The main advantage of using such structures is that the required number of cycles to achieve a given precision is much less than in the case of first-order modulator.


Two different higher-order structure have been examined. The first extension can be used for modulators with pure differential (or maximally flat) noise transfer function (NTF=(1-z-1)La), where La is the order of the modulator) shown in Fig. 4, while the other extension applies to modulators which have stabilized noise transfer function (NTF=(1-z-1)La / D(z)), and are realized by the Cascaded-Integrators, Feed-Forward (CIFF) architecture, with a feed-forward path from the input signal to the input of the internal quantizer (Fig. 5.). In the first case the output quantization error is bounded by the quantization error of the internal quantizer, while in the second one the output error is bounded by the output of the last analog integrator in the loop.


Figure 4. A possible realization of an incremental converter consists of a second-order modulator with pure differential noise transfer function (NTF=(1-z-1)La) and same-order digital Cascade-of-Integrators filter.

Figure 5. Third-order Cascaded-Integrators, Feed-Forward (CIFF) ΔΣ modulator architecture, with additional feed-forward path from the input signal to the input of the internal quantizer.


An important result is if a modulator with pure differential noise transfer function is realized by the CIFF structure, the two extensions become equivalent.

Design of Filters Capable of Periodic Noise Suppression

In applications of DC- or other small-frequency signal measurements, high insensitivity to line frequency disturbances is an important requirement. Thus, A/D converters for this area has to be able to suppress 50 or 60 Hz signals and their harmonics. The third main result of this research was the design metodology of optimal higher-order digital sinc-filters for higher-order incremental ΔΣ converters for suppression of periodic noise disturbances.


Practical Results


The theoretical results discussed above briefly has been utilized in a design co-operation between Oregon State University and Microchip Technology, Inc. Based on the achieved results, a 22-bit DC-measuring A/D converter has been designed and fabricated. Another fruit of the co-operation was a circuit-level implementation patent.


Related Publications:


J. Márkus, J. Silva, and G. C. Temes,"Delta-sigma architectures for dc measurement - an overview," in CICC'2006, Proceedings of the IEEE 2006 Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, San Jose, CA, USA, 10-13 Sept. 2006.

A tutorial paper about the evolution of incremental converters. Brief discussion of the theoretical derivations and implementation difficulties, and a short summary of the measurement results of the manufactured 22-bit converter.

J. Márkus, Higher-order incremental delta-sigma analog-to-digital converters, Ph.D.thesis, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Measurement and Information Systems, Budapest, Hungary, Mar. 2005, 132 p.

Ph.D. thesis containing the results. The most detailed work on the topic of incremental converters. It contains detailed theoretical derivations (calculation of the required number of cycles for a given resolution, signal-to-noise ratio of the converter, comparison of different architectures). Examination of non-ideal effects (noise, non-linearity of op-amps, finite gain, etc.). Digital filter design for incremental converters. Complex design examples.

J. Márkus, J. Silva, and G. C. Temes, "Theory and applications of incremental delta-sigma converters," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I: Regular Papers, vol. 51, no. 4, pp. 678-690, Apr. 2004.

Extension of the operation of the first-order converters to higher-order modulators. Derivation of the required number of cycles for a given resolution. Application of dither signal to improve the efficiency of the first-order converter. Sinc-filter design to suppress periodic noise.


Further publications on A/D converters can be downloaded from here.


Useful links

  Further information: János Márkus