
Dept. of Measurement and Information Systems, Budapest University of Technology and Economics

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Physics-based Sound Synthesis of String Instruments



The basic idea of physics-based sound synthesis is that it models the sound generation mechanism of the instrument rather than the generated sound itself (signal-based modeling), which is more common in sound synthesis. This is illustrated in Fig. 1.




Fig. 1. Signal- and physics-based modeling


Despite that research on physics-based sound synthesis is going on for three decades, its commercial application is still quite rare, mostly because of its higher computational complexity compared to signal modeling. However, by the increase of computational power and the appearance of better models it is quite probable that physics-based sound synthesis will be able to compete with the most common signal modeling technique, namely, sampling synthesis. Sampling synthesis is based on playing back the recorded samples of instrument sounds. A serious shortcoming of sampling synthesis is that it cannot model the interaction of the different parts of the instrument (e.g., the coupling of different strings). Moreover, all the variations of a single note has to be stored that can be generated by the musician (different bow velocity, bow force, etc.). These problems are automatically avoided in physics-based sound synthesis, where the model blocks correspond to the main parts of the instrument (in the case of string instruments: excitation, string, instrument body - see Fig. 2.). The parameters of the model are physically meaningful (e.g., string length, bow velocity), therefore the control of the virtual instrument is straightforward. A further advantage of physics-based sound synthesis is that it can provide useful information for the acousticians about which are the most important phenomena during sound production and how would the sound of the instrument change by varying its physical properties.



Fig. 2. The piano and its physical model


The first step of physics-based sound synthesis is to understand how the instrument works, that is, the equations describing the main parts of the instrument and the interactions of the different parts have to be revealed. Naturally, most of this knowledge is obtainable from the literature, as musical acoustics has a long tradition. However, for some specific parts of the instrument model further investigations are necessary. The resulting precise instrument model can be directly used for sound synthesis after spatial and temporal discretization. However, the required computational complexity of such a model is usually too high for real-time implementation. Therefore, efficient sound synthesis algorithms have to be developed by neglecting the less important features of the precise model. For that, one has to estimate which are those phenomena that are less relevant in producing the characteristic sound of the instrument.


The most important part of string instruments is the string, as the string generates the periodic vibration in the sound. The equation describing the ideal, infinite string is the wave equation


where y is the transverse displacement, x is the position along the string, t is the time, T is the tension, and μ is the mass per unit length. In real strings losses and dispersion also occur, which can be modeled by adding further terms. The solution of the wave equation can be calculated by spatial and temporal discretization, i.e., by substituting the derivatives with differences. This is the finite difference method. While it is closely connected to the physical reality, a drawback of the approach its high computational demand.


Another common string modeling technique is modal synthesis, where the motion of the string modes are computed and the shape of the string is calculated by the summation of these modes as



where sin(kπx/L) is the modal shape of mode k and L is the length of the string. The instantaneous amplitudes of the modes are given by the functions yk(t), which are typically exponentially decaying sinusoidal functions implemented by second-order resonators in discrete-time.


The most efficient approach to string modeling is the digital waveguide. The time-domain solution of the wave equation is the superposition of two functions



where y+ and y- can be considered as two traveling waves, which retain their shape during their movement. The function y+ is the wave going to the right and the function y- is the wave going to the left direction, and c is the propagation speed. If the spatially sampled values of the two components (y+ and y-) are stored in two vectors, then the next state can be computed by shifting the two vectors to the right and to the left. This corresponds to two delay lines, which can be efficiently implemented by circular buffers. This is depicted in Fig. 3. The reflections from the ideally rigid terminations of the string can be realizied by multiplying with -1 at the end of the delay lines. The losses and dispersion of the string, and the nonideality of the termination are modeled by a digital filter H(z) in the delay loop. Thus, the distributed losses and dispersion are lumped to one point of the structure. The magnitude response of  H(z) controls the decay times of the generated partials, while its phase response sets the frequencies of the partials, together with the delay line lenght M. Parameter estimation for the digital waveguide lies in designing such a filter H(z) that results in the required distribution of the partials with required decay times.




Fig. 3. Digital waveguide string model



The string gains energy from the excitation, which can be impulse like (plucking, striking) or continuous (bowing). It is common for all the cases that the interaction of the string and the exciter is bidirectional, i.e., the excitation force is a function of string shape. Modeling of the excitation is carried out by the discretization of the (generally zero dimensional) differential equation of the excitation. As the excitation is nonlinear in most of the cases, the discretization is nontrivial and often leads to numerical instabilities.


The string cannot efficiently radiate, because its radiation impedance is not in the same order as the impedance of the air. The role of the instrument body is providing an impedance match, thus, increasing the efficiency of sound radiation. The most time-consuming operation in physics-based sound synthesis is body modeling, because here the calculation of a two- or three-dimensional vibration is necessary, contrary to the string (one dimension) and the excitation (zero dimension). Therefore, it is common to model the effect of the body as a force-pressure transfer function instead of a precise physical model.


Related publications:


Balázs Bank, Federico Avanzini, Gianpaolo Borin, Giovanni De Poli, Federico Fontana, and Davide Rocchesso, "Physically Informed Signal-Processing Methods for Piano Sound Synthesis: a Research Overview," EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, Special Issue on Digital Audio for Multimeda Communications, vol. 2003, no. 10, pp. 941-952, Sep. 2003.

Physics-based piano synthesis applying digital waveguides. It is a summary of the  the literature and our own results. A good starting point for other papers.

Balázs Bank, Physics-Based Sound Synthesis of the Piano, Master's thesis, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, published as Report 54 of Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory of Acoustics and Audio Signal Processing, May 2000.


Although it is older than the above paper, it describes the piano model in more detail. It contains a summary about the acoustics and physics of the piano (chapter 2).

Balázs Bank, Physics-based Sound Synthesis of String Instruments Including Geometric Nonlinearities, Ph.D. thesis, Budapest Univeristy of Technology and Economics, p. 142, Jun. 2006.


Chapter 2. overviews the most widely used string modeling methods (finite difference, digital waveguide, modal synthesis), excitation models (hammer, plucking, bowing), and the various possibilities for instrument body modeling. 


Further publications about physics-based sound synthesis can be found on  this page.



Useful links:


Homepage of Julius Smith

Many useful material (web pages and papers) about physics-based sound synthesis and particularly, the digital wavguide, from the inventor of digital waveguide modeling.

Homepage of the Acoustics Laboratory at Helsinki University of Technology

Papers and demonstrations in the field of sound synthesis, mostly for string instruments.

ISVR Demonstrations

Visual demonstrations about the basics of wave propagatio, interference, and standing waves.


 Further information: Balázs Bank